Friday, 3 October 2008

London Bound - Episode 7

Ello Ello!

So I realize that my blog entries are ridiculously long and that no one realllly wants to read something like that in one sitting. Heck, I wouldn't! Therefore, I'm going to try and update either every day or every second or third day. Probably every second or third day since nothing too big happens to me during the four days I'm working and I think I'd loose readers if I updated you on what little M and J ate for breakfast in the morning or what time I changed J's nappie. (Even my mother would abandon this blog!)

Tomorrow I'm off to London! I figured I needed a full day away from everything around here and what better way to spend a day than to spend it in London! I'm taking the train out tomorrow morning and arriving at London Euston around 10:30. The whole point of me going to London actually was because this guy, Merce Cunningham, is putting on a show at the Barbican. I studied his work last semester in my theatre class and since he's pretty spectacular and this would probably be the only time in my entire life that I'd get to see him, that hey, maybe I should go. There's a free rehearsal that the public is allowed to sit in on so I'm going to that in the afternoon and then if I really want to see the actual performance, I'll just buy a ticket for the evening. If I don't though, then maybe I'll just go buy a cheap theatre ticket from Leicester Square and watch "Wicked" or something. I have to catch a late night train though, so we'll see. I don't really feel like being mugged so...

I'll be eating Japanese food in London! And buying Japanese rice! Then, when I come home, I'll be making kaikai!

Next weekend I'm off to Manchester!! For Thanksgiving!! And I'll be meeting up with Nancy, Amber and Mick!! Then in November, Yvette will be flying in to visit me from Sweden!! Jealous!?

Okay well I'm off to go shopping at the local Hospices in Southam. I miss my days shopping at Value Village so I have to make do with thrift shops for the time being.

Ciao mein!!


Post Script: I now have my headset for Skype so you can all talk to me now! I'm usually online in the evenings so I guess that's 12pm to 2:30pm-ish?

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